Interface of a system for monitoring of sales

Completed in 2015
Interface of a system for monitoring of sales made through mobile terminals.
To develop an interface of sales made through mobile terminals monitoring system, with possibility of simple customization for any bank by specifying color and logo.
Interface wireframes
Structure and wireframes of the interface were developed on the basis of the provided description and user goal.

Operations graphically
Basic information on all conducted operations during the selected period is available on the main interface screen right after authorization.

Operations in a list
All the operations are available in a list. Each operation has a corresponding receipt, being a copy of the one sent to the customer.

Operations on the map
There is a possibility to check the geography of conducted operations.

Summary data
Summary data allows to study conducted operations in terms of time of a day, days of the week, payment operators, ways of payment, etc.

Other screens
All accompanying screens were developed, such as: device management, administrators, device operator management, instructions, etc.

Adaptive layout
The interface has been designed considering not only usual screens, but also tablets and smartphones. Mock-ups for all three device types were prepared before making HTML pages.
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